Energy Star 
ENERGY STAR and its logo provides consumers with an instantly recognizable method to identify products that are tested to high standards for energy efficiency. Humphrey “NXT Generation” vinyl windows are tested and adhere to strict criteria set down for all four zones recognized in Canada.
Humphrey âNXT Generationâ Window Systems means a dedication to continual improvement in window design, quality and performance.
Humphrey Windows and Doors incorporate:
- Over 50 years of manufacturing experience
- The highest quality materials
- Tested and proven hardware
- The latest in energy efficient low-e glass and glass packages.
- Dedicated and accountable quality control process
The end result is very few service issues and a high level of customer satisfaction.
Low-E Glass
Features and Benefits of Triple-Pane IGU’s containing a Low-E coating:
Warmer in Winter
The winter nighttime U-Value (insulating value) of a Sungate 400 (5) triple-pane glass unit (IGU) is 38% better than a tripled-glazed IGU with standard clear glass. The winter nighttime U-Value (insulating value) of a Solarban 60 (2) triple-pane glass unit (IGU) insulates 42% better than a tripled-glazed IGU with standard clear glass.
Cooler in Summer
The total solar energy transmitted through a clear, triple-glazed IGU with Solarban 60 (2) glass is 47% less than that transmitted by a triple-glazed IGU with standard clear glass.
Transmits Daylight
Triple-glazed IGUs with Sungate 400 (5) transmit about 96% of visible light as standard clear insulating glass. Triple-glazed IGUs with Solarban 60 (2) glass transmit about 89% of the visible light transmitted by a triple-glazed IGU with standard clear glass.
Fading Factors
While Sungate 400 (5) glass blocks 73% of damaging UV energy, it also blocks other contributors to fading â in all, 12% better than standard clear insulating glass. While a triple-glazed IGU with Solarban 60 (2) glass blocks about 83% of damaging UV energy, it also blocks other contributors to fading â in all, about 24% better than a triple-glazed IGU with standard clear glass.